Adapting to the Era of Voice Search: SEO Best Practices

In today’s digital landscape, the way we handle search engine optimization (SEO) is always changing. One of the most noticeable changes lately has been the surge in voice recognition technology. With virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant becoming part of our daily routines, it’s now more crucial than ever for businesses to adapt their content for voice searches. Understanding and implementing the key best practices for the era of voice search is vital, enabling businesses to effectively optimize their content for this evolving landscape.

SEO Strategies for Voice Search


1. Focus on Long-Tail Keywords and Natural Language

When people use voice search, they tend to speak more naturally and ask full questions instead of using keywords. To adapt to this behavior, it’s crucial to optimize your content using longer, more conversational phrases and keywords. This approach aligns better with the way users verbally inquire about information.

Use Tools to Find Out How People Actually Talk:

There are plenty of handy tools like AnswerThePublic or SEMrush that help figure out the kind of phrases and questions folks ask when they use voice search.

For example, AnswerThePublic shows common questions on a particular topic, giving you an idea of how people talk about it. Meanwhile, tools like SEMrush dig into keywords, including all the longer, more conversational ones that folks use when searching.

Blend Phrases Naturally

Once you’ve got all these longer phrases down, make sure they fit smoothly into your content. Whether it’s your FAQs or your blog posts, you don’t ever want your content to stick out awkwardly; instead, they should always feel like a normal part of what you’re saying. This will not only help with voice search but will also make your content more interesting and useful for your audience.

Ask the Experts

Working with a digital marketing agency like Hughes Media can be a huge help in making sure your content is just right for voice searches. These agencies have some of the best tools on the market and the know-how to dig deep into finding the exact phrases people use when they talk about your industry.

Plus, they will keep an eye on what’s new, adjust strategies, and give you lots of great information about how well your content is doing. This way, you can keep improving how you show up in voice search results.

2. Optimize for Local Searches

When people use voice search, they often look for nearby stuff like stores, services, or things to buy. To make sure people can find your business, it’s crucial to have accurate details on Google My Business and other directories where your business is listed.

Make Sure People Can Find You

First things first, ensure all your business details—like your address, phone number, and hours—are spot-on accurate on places like Google My Business, Yelp, and other directories where your business shows up. This helps customers locate you easily and tells search engines that you’re legit. Keep these listings up to date if anything changes!

Use Words That Point to Your Location

Sprinkle words in your website content that shout out where you are. If you’re in a specific area or neighborhood, talk about it naturally on your site. For example, if you’re running a taco joint in San Diego, use phrases like “best tacos in San Diego” or “tacos near Pacific Beach” in your website content.

Add Handy Phrases People Use

Think about what people might say when they’re looking for stuff nearby. Words like “near me,” “close by,” or “near [specific place]” are extremely helpful. Work these kinds of phrases into your website content, like your service pages or blog posts. It’ll increase your chances of showing up when someone uses voice search to find local businesses.

Talk About Local Stuff

People love it when local businesses get involved in the community. Consider writing a blog about events or news in the area; it’s not only great for locals but also helps you pop up more in local searches.

Get People Talking About You

Encourage happy customers to leave reviews on Google or other platforms. Good reviews help attract more customers and make you more visible in local searches. And don’t forget to respond to all your reviews, even the not-so-great ones. Responding to negative reviews demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and can often turn a dissatisfied customer’s experience into a positive one, enhancing your business’s reputation.

3. Create Structured Data Markup for Voice Query Analysis

Have you ever thought about making your website talk clearer to search engines?

voice search function in phone

Well, using something called structured data markup can do just that. It’s like giving search engines a guide to understand what your content is all about. This helps them pick out quick and clear answers for voice searches, making it more likely for your content to show up in those highlighted snippets you see on search pages.

Label Your Content to Stand Out

When search engines struggle to understand your website, tools like markup act like labels or tags that help the search engines make sense of your content. It’s like giving them a clear map of your site, showing them exactly what’s important.

Get Noticed in Voice Searches

When people ask their voice assistants questions, search engines use these tags to find quick answers. So, if you’ve labeled your content well, your website could pop up as the answer in those voice search results. That’s a big deal because it means more people might end up checking out your site.

Keep it Updated

Don’t forget to keep an eye on all those tags and labels, either. Update them when things change on your website, like if you move or update your products. It helps your site stay relevant and keeps your chances high of being the go-to answer in voice searches and other search results.

Optimizing Content for Voice Assistants


1. Focus on Snippet Optimization

When you ask your voice assistant a question, it usually pulls up a quick answer called a “featured snippet.” If you want your content to be that top answer, here’s the trick: make content that directly answers common questions people might ask.

Find Out What People Want to Know

Start by figuring out what folks are curious about in your line of work. Check out what questions keep popping up online or in conversations related to what you do. It could be anything from cooking tips to tech advice or fitness hacks.

Give Clear and Quick Answers

Once you know the questions, focus on giving straight-up answers. Make sure your responses are easy to understand but still packed with useful info. So, if someone asks about the best way to fix a phone, tell them the steps in a simple and straightforward way.

Make it Easy to Read

Use lists or bullet points to organize your answers. This helps break things down into bite-sized pieces that are easy to follow. Whether it’s steps to solve a problem or the benefits of a product, listing them out makes it simple for people to get the scoop.

Keep it Short and Sweet

Remember, voice searches are usually brief and natural. Try to keep your answers concise, like how you’d explain something quickly to a friend. This way, your content matches how people naturally ask questions out loud.

Stay Updated

Keep an eye on what’s new or what more people are asking about. Update your info regularly to stay ahead of the game. By keeping your content fresh and relevant, you’ll have a better shot at being the top answer for voice searches.

2. Improve Website Loading Speed

When it comes to voice searches, speed matters big time. Nobody likes waiting around for slow websites, especially when they’re asking for quick info.

Keep an Eye on How Fast Your Site Loads

Do you know how sometimes websites take forever to load? Well, there are cool tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix that check how fast your site loads. They look at things like how quickly your server responds, what’s making your pages big, and things that might slow your website down.

Doing these checks regularly, maybe once a month or every few months, helps you see if your site’s acting slow and what might be causing it. And if you ever need help checking your website, remember that digital marketing agencies like Hughes Media are always ready to help.

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Make Your Pictures Lighter

Big pictures can be a real drag on your website’s speed. But here’s the trick: make them smaller without losing their quality. You can also pick the right type of picture files that work better with newer browsers.

One easy solution to website speed is lazy loading. It means pictures only load when someone scrolls to them, so your site doesn’t load everything at once.

Keep It Simple, Coding-wise

Sometimes, there’s extra fluff on your website that you don’t even need. When it comes to web design, streamlining the fancy coding stuff and cutting out things that don’t add much to the user experience can speed things up.

Store Things for Faster Access

Imagine if your website could remember certain things so it could load faster the next time someone visits. That’s what caching does. It temporarily saves some parts of your website on someone’s device or closer to them on a server. It’s like quick access to your site’s info, especially for folks who come back often.

Make It Work Smoothly on Phones

Loads of people use their phones to do voice searches. So, your website has to work just as well on mobiles. This means it should look good and work properly on different-sized screens.



The rise of voice recognition technology has undoubtedly changed how we do SEO. This shift in how things work means businesses need to do more than just acknowledge the change; they need to use it to their advantage, helping them not just survive but truly succeed in the fast-paced online landscape.


Join the Voice Search Revolution with Hughes Media!

woman using voice search on her phone

In this age of voice searches, staying on top of SEO trends is an absolute game-changer. Hughes Media isn’t just another digital marketing player—we’re ahead of the curve in this digital landscape. We get that keeping up matters. Our approach is all about putting you, the user, first and using the latest SEO tricks to boost your marketing game for voice searches.

So, if you’re ready to level up your SEO game for voice searches, get in touch with the experts at Hughes Media. Whether you need help with conversational search optimization, want to shine in local searches, or aim to give your users a top-notch experience, Hughes Media Atlanta Digital Marketing Agency is the partner you need in this ever-changing world of voice searches. Contact us today!

About the Author:

Deedra Hughes

Experienced President with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. Skilled in Digital Strategy, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Integrated Marketing, Advertising, and Pay Per Click (PPC). Strong business development professional with a Bachelor’s Degree focused in Communications from Ohio University.

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