Supercharge Local Plumber SEO with AI Tools


Scientists have been working on developing increasingly advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies for decades, and we’ve really seen the payoff of that effort over the past several months. When OpenAI’s ChatGPT went live in November of 2022, it proved that computers and algorithms could learn the complexities of human language, such as nuance, context, and humor.  

Other technology companies, like Google and Microsoft, have scrambled to create their own complex AI machines, and business owners across industries have jumped at the chance to improve productivity and efficiency with AI tools. 

How can a plumbing business integrate AI tools into its operations? Search engine optimization (SEO) means fine-tuning your website’s copy, structure, and metadata to be more attractive to search engine crawlers and help you reach more customers. 

Effective plumber SEO can be challenging to master, but ChatGPT, Google Bard, and the newest Bing update make excellent AI SEO tools to help beginners create higher-ranking pages.


How to Use ChatGPT for Your Plumbing SEO


ChatGPT pioneered conversational AI, proving that machines could actually learn to model the complexities of human speech and much more. One aspect of SEO that many beginners need help with is optimizing page code. While it can’t code a whole website or page for you, ChatGPT can recommend snippets of code you can add to your page to improve rankings.


Write Local Business Schema


The internet can help you reach customers anywhere in the world, but as a small service-based business, you want to focus on people who live in your immediate geographic area. Local SEO strategies target customers in your area.

One way to improve your local SEO is by inserting a local business schema into your page’s HTML code. This type of data markup code tells search engine crawlers what type of business you are, the products or services you provide, where you’re located, and even your hours of operation. 

It’s easy to use ChatGPT as a local business schema generator. You can type in your business’s name or URL and ask ChatGPT to write a local business schema. You could also describe your business or insert an excerpt of copy from your website. Once ChatGPT has generated the code, all you have to do is copy and paste it into your site’s HTML code.


Generate Regular Expression (Regex) Directives


Regex directives are like highly advanced search text features for code. You can use them to find different patterns of characters within a block of text or code. Like most coding, learning how to write these directives requires learning several different symbols and short hands that tell the algorithm what to do. However, you can phrase your request as a question in ChatGPT, and it will generate the code for you. Again, all you have to do is copy and paste.  

Let’s say you use an acronym for your business, but you want to replace every instance of the acronym on your home page with the full name of the business. All you have to do is ask ChatGPT for a regular expression that shows matches for the acronym, and it will write the code for you.


Brainstorm Blog Topics with the New Bing


Bing has long been second-fiddle to Google in the world of search engines, but that might be about to change. Recently, Microsoft introduced an upgraded version of the search engine with extensive AI capabilities. Instead of carefully constructing search engine queries to maximize the algorithm’s efficiency, you can now ask Bing questions similar to how you could ask someone a question in a conversation. 

For example, you can ask Bing for a website that sells second-hand books or to find a second-hand copy of a specific title from a seller who offers shipping to the US. You could also ask for its help to plan menus, vacations, and more. You can even entertain yourself by asking it to write an original sonnet or a short story about a specific topic. 

Content marketing is a strategy that requires minimal upfront costs but can drive up your web traffic dramatically. Unlike short ads that focus on selling your product to your customers, long-form content provides more value to readers by being educational and informative. It helps your business establish itself as an authority on a certain subject and teaches your audience to trust you to provide solutions. 

Running a blog is important to most companies’ content marketing strategies. Your blog can improve your website’s search engine rankings when done correctly and consistently. However, consistency can get difficult. You have to think of a fresh, relevant blog topic at least once a week. 

Here’s where Bing comes in. Ask it to generate blog topics or titles for a plumbing business in your area. This can help you generate ideas for several months of content in just a few seconds. 


Get Meta Descriptions for Web Pages from Google Bard


When you search for something on Google, each result has a title, which is also the link you click on to visit the page, and a brief snippet under the title that summarizes the page content. That snippet is also called a meta description. 

A good meta description with appropriate keywords is critical for effective SEO optimization. However, it’s more complex than just writing a description of your page. Meta descriptions should be between 155 and 160 characters and contain relevant keywords. Producing a good description within such a specific character count presents a challenge.  

Google Bard is a conversational AI program that pulls information directly from the web. It can write stories or posts, solve math problems, generate code, create menus, or answer questions. As part of its code-writing capabilities, it can generate meta descriptions of HTML code. 

Provide Bard with the text for the page that needs a meta description,  the keywords you want to rank on, and the character limit. Then, you can copy and paste this text right into your code. Suppose you are trying to improve the meta description on an already published page. In that case, you can take a shortcut by entering the URL instead of typing in the page copy.


Get Top-Rated Plumber SEO Services by Hughes Media


Repairing and maintaining plumbing systems is what you do best. Plumbing marketing agency helping you reach more customers is what we do best. Contact us to learn more about our SEO services for plumbers and schedule a consultation


About the Author:

Deedra Hughes

Experienced President with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. Skilled in Digital Strategy, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Integrated Marketing, Advertising, and Pay Per Click (PPC). Strong business development professional with a Bachelor’s Degree focused in Communications from Ohio University.

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